6” Boot / Vest Steel with Clip - Cole Younger - Orange & Black Handle - CY606

Sale price$89.99


Cole Younger is 6” total length, 3” handle and 3” Steel

This sheath has a clip, see the pictures, it is designed to wear in boots, vest pockets etc. 

Perfect for Vest, Boots, Purses, Saddle Bags, Wind Shield Bags or anyplace you need to put your new best friend!

If you are looking for a Horizontal Belt Carry, check out our Bonnie & Clyde

This beautiful Damascus is made with 512 equal layers of 1095 and 15N20 making each product unique.

If you have any questions please call or text 321-271-5134 7 Days a week, 9-5 EST (Florida time) If you text after hours they will return the text the next day.

Phone orders are also available, use the same number and times as above.

Check out the layers on the steel, amazing artwork!!

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